Echokardiografia |
LV - Left ventricle, RV - Right ventricle, AV - Aortic valve, LA - Left atrium, LVOT - Left ventricular outflow tract, IVS - Interventricular septum, MV - Mitral valve
VideoLV - Left ventricle, RV - Right ventricle, Ao - Aorta, LA - Left atrium, PLAX - Parasternal long axis
VideoLA - Left atrium, MV - Mitral valve, PLAX - Parasternal long axis
VideoRVOT - Right ventricular outflow tract, PV - Pulmonic valve, PA - Pulmonary artery, RV - Right ventricle, PLAX - Parasternal long axis
VideoRV - Right ventricle, RA - Right atrium, TV - Tricuspid valve, PLAX - Parasternal long axis
VideoRVOT - Right ventricular outflow tract, PV - Pulmonic valve, RA - Right atrium, Ao - Aorta, PA - Pulmonary artery, RPA - Right pulmonary artery, LPA - Left pulmonary artery, PSAX - Parasternal short axis
VideoAV - Aortic valve, IAS - Intra atrial septum, LA - Left atrium, PSAX - Parasternal short axis, PV - Pulmonic valve, RA - Right atrium, RVOT - Right ventricular outflow tract, TV - Tricuspid valve
VideoAV - Aortic valve, LCC - Left coronary cusp, NCC - Noncoronary cusp, PSAX - Parasternal short axis, RCC - Right coronary cusp
VideoPSAX - Parasternal short axis, RA - Right atrium, RV - Right ventricle, TV - Tricuspid valve
VideoAo - Aorta, PA - Pulmonary artery, PSAX - Parasternal short axis, PV - Pulmonic valve, RVOT - Right ventricular outflow tract
VideoAMVL - Anterior leaflet mitral valve, IVS - Interventricular septum, LV - Left ventricle, MV - Mitral valve, PMVL - Posterior leaflet mitral valve, PSAX - Parasternal short axis, RV - Right ventricle
VideoALPap - Anterolateral papillary muscle, LV - Left ventricle, PMPap = Posteromedial papillary muscle, PSAX - Parasternal short axis, RV - Right ventricle
VideoLCA - Left coronary artery, PSAX - Parasternal short axis, RCA - Right coronary artery
VideoA4C - Apical 4 chamber, IAS - Interatrial septum, IVS - Interventricular septum, LA - Left atrium, LV - Left ventricle, MV - Mitral valve, RA - Right atrium, RV - Right ventricle, TV - Tricuspid valve
VideoA4C - Apical 4 chamber, LA - Left atrium, LV - Left ventricle, RA - Right atrium, RV - Right ventricle, TV - Tricuspid valve
VideoA4C - Apical 4 chamber, CS - Coronary sinus, LA - Left atrium, LV - Left ventricle, RA - Right atrium, RV - Right ventricle
VideoA4C - Apical 4 chamber, LA - Left atrium, MV - Mitral valve, Pulvns - Pulmonary veins, RA - Right atrium, RV - Right ventricle, TV - Tricuspid valve
VideoA4C (Apical 4 chamber), LA (Left atrium), Pulvns (Pulmonary veins), RA (Right atrium), TV (Tricuspid valve)
VideoA5C - Apical 5 chamber, Ao - Aorta, IVS - Interventricular septum, LA - Left atrium, LV - Left ventricle, LVOT - Left ventricular outflow tract, RV - Right ventricle
VideoA5C - Apical 5 chamber, PA - Pulmonary artery, PV - Pulmonic valve, RVOT - Right ventricular outflow tract
VideoA2C - Apical 2 chamber, LA - Left atrium, LV - Left ventricle, MV - Mitral valve
VideoA3C - Apical 3 chamber, Ao - Aorta, AV - Aortic valve, LA - Left atrium, LV - Left ventricle, LVOT - Left ventricular outflow tract, MV - Mitral valve
Video4C - 4 chamber, IAS - Interatrial septum, IVS - Interventricular septum, LA - Left atrium, LV - Left ventricle, MV - Mitral valve, RA - Right atrium, RV - Right ventricle, SC - Subcostal, TV - Tricuspid valve
VideoIVC - Inferior vena cava, RA - Right atrium, SC - Subcostal
VideoHvn - Hepatic vein, IVC - Inferior vena cava, SC - Subcostal
VideoIVC - Inferior vena cava, RA - Right atrium, SC - Subcostal, SVC - Superior vena cava
VideoPA - Pulmonary artery, PV - Pulmonic valve, RA - Right atrium, RV - Right ventricle, RVOT - Right ventricular outflow tract, SC - Subcostal
VideoAo - Aorta, LA - Left atrium, LLpvn - Left lower pulmonary vein, LUpvn - Left upper pulmonary vein, RLpvn - Right lower pulmonary vein, RUpvn - Right upper pulmonary vein, SVC - Superior vena cava
VideoDesc Ao - Descending aorta, Innom a - Innominate artery, LCCA - Left common carotid artery, LSA - Left subclavian artery, RPA - Right pulmonary artery, SSN - Suprasternal notch, Asc Ao - Ascending aorta,
VideoAo - Aorta, L innom vn - Left innominate vein, PA - Pulmonary artery, RPA - Right pulmonary artery, SSN - Suprasternal notch, SVC - Superior vena cava
VideoRA - Right atrium, RV - Right ventricle, SVC - Superior vena cava, TV - Tricuspid valve
VideoIAS - Interatrial septum, LA - Left atrium, LV - Left ventricle, RA - Right atrium
Recommendations for Cardiac Chamber Quantification by Echocardiography in Adults: An Update from the ASE and EACVI (2015)
Recommendations for the Evaluation of LV Diastolic Function by Echocardiography: An Update from the ASE and EACVI (2016)
Recommendations on the use of echocardiography in adult hypertension: a report from the EACVI and the ASE (2015)
Recommendations on the Echocardiographic Assessment of Aortic Valve Stenosis: A Focused Update from the EACVI and the ASE (2017)
ASE Recommendations for Noninvasive Evaluation of Native Valvular Regurgitation (2017)
Guidelines for performing a comprehensive TTE examination in adults: Recommendations from the ASE (2018)
Guidelines for the Echocardiographic Assessment of the Right Heart in Adults: ASE, EACVI, ESC, CSE (2010)
Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of acute pulmonary embolism ESC, ERS (2019)
Echocardiography in aortic diseases: EAE recommendations for clinical practice (2010)
Echocardiographic assessment of valve stenosis: EAE/ASE recommendations for clinical practice (2009)
ESSENTIAL ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease
Coronary Artery Territories (Echocardiography Illustrated Book 4)