TECHmED / EKG & Arytmológia (Kniha) / Brugada-Stuerer algoritmus (KT vs. PXT)


Peter Blahút

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Brugada-Stuerer algoritmus (KT vs. PXT)

Brugada Stuerer algorithm (ventricular tachycardia vs. pre-excited SVT)

Peter Blahút

Brugada algoritmus

Modifikovaný Brugada algoritmus (KT vs. PXT)

Wide complex tachycardia, Brugada Stuerer algorighm (VT vs. Pre excited SVT) Wide complex tachycardia, SVT with aberrant conduction due to bundle branch block, RBBB, LBBB Wide complex tachycardia, SVT with aberrant conduction due to the Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome, , Brugada Stuerer algorighm (VT vs. Pre excited SVT)
ECG Differential Diagnosis (DDx) of Wide-Complex Tachycardia, , Brugada Stuerer algorighm (VT vs. Pre excited SVT)

Široko-komplexová tachykardia

Modifikovaný Brugada algoritmus v Klinickej praxi

Brugada Stuerer algorighm, ventricular tachycardia (VT) vs. Pre-exited SVT (PXT)

Modifikovaný Brugada algoritmus (KT vs. PXT)

ECG Brugada-Stuerer algorithm (VT vs. PXT), Polarity V4-V6, Ventricular tachycardia

Široko-komplexová tachykardia

Wide complex tachycardia, Brugada-Stuerer algorithm (ventricular tachycardia vs. preexcited SVT)

ECG DDx, Wide complex tachycardia, Brugada-Stuerer, Polarity QRS (V4-V6), qR complex (V2-V6), AV relationship, Preexcited SVT

Široko-komplexová tachykardia

Wide complex tachycardia, SVT with WPW syndrome, , Brugada Stuerer algorighm (VT vs. Pre excited SVT)

ECG wide complex tachycardia, Brugada Stuerer algorighm

Široko-komplexová tachykardia

Antidromic, SVT with WPW syndrome, Brugada Stuerer algorighm (VT vs. Pre excited SVT)

ECG wpw syndrome, Type B, Delta wave,

WPW syndróm (Typ B)

WPW syndrome, Type B, accessory pathway (Bundle of Kent) right atrium